Grilled chocolate cheese sandwich , the combo of cheese and chocolate will be very nice. I have read about this combo a long back but never tried at home. As kids have holidays, i want to make this for them as i have both the cheese and chocolate at home. Today morning when i told them that chocolate cheese sandwich is your breakfast my little one was quite disappointed. He told me amma please do not try any weird combos and i am sure it won’t be nice. I said you please wait and let’s see how it turns out. Still he was not convinced and me as a typical mother ignored it and started making this sandwich and quickly clicked too. then i gave him a small bite sized piece for taste. He reluctantly had it out of compulsion but after tasting hugged me and told it was awesome. Varsha too loved it very much. So moms who are looking for interesting recipes for children during their summer vacation can try this chocolate sandwich recipe. Even you can try paratha with this combo too.
Preparation Time : 5 mins | Cooking Time : 5 Min per batch |Serves: 1-2
Dark chocolate | any chocolate 1 small bar
Whole wheat bread slices 4
Cheese slices 2
Butter little to grease
- If using dark chocolate bars bring it to room temperature and grate it. I just cut them using a knife.
- You can use your dairy milk or any chocolate of this type. Even chocolate chips can also be used.
- Grease one side of the bread with butter and keep the butter applied side facing down on the sandwich maker.
- Place the chocolate shavings on the bread. Put a slice of cheese on the chocolate spread.
- Place one more buttered bread on the top of it facing the buttery side up.
- Grill the sandwich .
- Super yummy grilled chocolate sandwich is ready.

that is a chocolate lovers dream… yummy
nice combo of chocolate and cheese..yumm..
yummy combo!! Lovely clicks as always!!
i am astonished.Do ur kids tell do not spoil? You are such a good cook.
Oh ya durga, before i try anything new many times they say, especially my little one. But after tasting thumbs ups only
yummy combo for chocolate lovers